English Speakers Apéro

English Speakers’ Apéro Between Services

We’re excited to announce the launch of the English Speakers’ Apéro, a time to connect and build community with fellow native English speakers (and all those who do speak English but not French).

This meet-up will take place between our services, from 10:30, on the following Sundays:
    • 9th February
    • 27th April
    • ...and more dates to come!

In the foyer at C3 Lausanne.

We believe that church is not just about attending a service but also about forming meaningful connections. Whether you’re new to the church, looking for fellowship, or just want to enjoy some light refreshments, this is the perfect opportunity to meet others in our English-speaking community.

Join us for the first Apéro on Sunday, 9th February!
Mark your calendars, and we look forward to seeing you there. Let’s connect, encourage one another, and share life together!
No sign-up required – just come as you are!
For any question, please contact Denton & Alex Knezovich (email)

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